Los Roques
Posada Deluxe
from 24-02 to 04-03: 2540U$

A posada De Luxe is the ideal one for those who do not want to give up any comfort, even in Los Roques!
- 1 day in Hotel in Caracas
- Flight Caracas-LosRoques (roundtrip)
- 7 days in Posada Deluxe
Bungalow Thinnakara
from 21-01 to 28-01: 1390U$

Ideal offer for those wishing to spend a holiday immersed in nature, isolated from the modern world
- Kochi-Agatti Air Connection (rounftrip)
- 7 days in Bungalow at Thinnakara in full board
Guesthouse Fehendhoo
from 20-01 to 28-01: 2010U$

A a family-run Guesthouse with an informal atmosphere to live the authentic Maldives
- 8 day in Guesthouse with full board
Hotel El Nido
from 07-01 to 14-01: 140U$

Accommodation in hotel at El Nido grants access to the best beaches and attractions in Palawan
- 7 days in hotel at El Nido with full board
Boa Vista
from 30-12 to 07-01: 110U$

Accommodation that maximizes independence and saves money, ideal in combination with car rental.
- 8 days in independent apartment