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Los Roques Venezuela

Los Roques was established as National Park in 1972 by Venezuela's government. The archipelago continues to fascinate visitors with its incredible nautical beauty: more than 200 islands and cays comprised in an area of 40Km2.

The only inhabited island is Gran Roque", with a population of around 1000 people, mainly working in tourism or as fishermen.

No hotels or resort are built in the archipelago. The only form of accomodation is the posada (guesthouses with a maximum of 10/12 rooms) or alternatively sailboats.


  • Cayo de Agua

    Cayo de Agua, probably the most beautiful island of the Los Roques archipelago

  • Gran Roque

    Gran Roques is the largest island of the archipelago and the only inhabitated

  • Cayo Sal

    Aerial view of Cayo Sal, in the Southeastern part of the archipelago

  • White sand dunes

    Natural white sand dunes form the profiles of certain islands

  • Two seas meet at Cayo de Agua

    Two seas meet on the Cayo de Agua Island

  • Rabusky lagoon

    Rabusky lagoon is an ideal place for diving and snorkeling

  • Launch boat for excursions

    It is possible to visit even the farthest islands in a day using a fast launch

  • girl relaxing in Los Roques

    Sea colors have various shades from turquoise to deep blue

  • Beach umbrellas and relax in Los Roques

    Sun, sea and relax are the main ingredients of a vacation in Los Roques

  • Aerial view of the bay

    A small bay in the archipelago seen from above


Los Roques climate is favorable throughout the year. Precipitations are rare usually concentrated in November and December when they reach 2.4inc/month. Showers can be intense but short.

Average temperatures of water (80F) and air (84F) are costant with variations of 5F between Summer and Winter.
The archipelago lies below the are of hurricane activity.

How to get there

Gran Roque the only inhabited island is connected to Caracas, Venezuela's capital, by daily flight of the duration of 40minutes. All the flights that we offer are operated by companies approved by ENAC.

It is necessary to spend one night in hotel in Caracas as the are no night flights to the islands. Our services include tutor at the airport arrivals that will take care of the transportation from/to the hotel to ensure the safety of our customers.

Where to stay

Posadas are the main accomodation on the island of Gran Roques: old fishermen houses renewed and upgraded to accomodate a small number of guests each. No resorts or hotel exist on the island as established by the National Park rules. Posadas are divided in different categories and vary in price and services satisfying different budgets and needs. The services include meals, accomodation and excursions.

Alternatively it is possible to charter a sailboat. 10 boats possess a license to operate as a charter boat in the archipelago. The cruise will visit one or more islands every day.

Los Roques Quote

Type of stay:


First day of stay:

Last day of stay:


Country of origin:

National flight:
Include flight Caracas - Los Roques

Hotel in Caracas:
Include Hotel + transfers


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